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benjamin McAvoy



Different parts of your body age differently, so there's no single best way to measure aging. TruAge offers a variety of aging measurements and health insights. Biological Age, measured with methylation, is linked to many health outcomes. Lowering your Biological Age can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. With one simple test, you can get a sense of your overall health. If your Biological Age is lower than your actual age, you’re in good shape! If it's higher, it might be time to make some changes.

TruDiagnostic specializes in epigenetics and offers more than just research and clinical trials. Now, you can find out your patient’s biological age and learn how to change it.

TruAge provides detailed insights into aging with a simple blood spot test kit.

Whether your patients want to live longer or improve their current health, TruDiagnostic helps track aging, giving both you and your patient the information needed to manage it.


TruAge provides detailed insights into aging with a simple blood spot test kit. Whether patients want to live longer or improve their current health, TruDiagnostic tracks aging and gives both the practitioner and patient the information needed to manage it. TruDiagnostic specializes in epigenetics, offering more than just research and clinical trials. Now, you can discover your patient’s biological age and learn how to change it.


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Blood Spot
4-6 weeks

The most comprehensive way to analyse methylation markers to provide data about an individual's ageing and health.

  • Comprehensive analysis of methylation markers to learn about ageing and health.
  • Provides information on physical age (epigenetic age) as opposed to chronological age, including steps on how to reduce overall ageing.
  • Patient report continuously updated to reflect new findings on genes and related health conditions.

  • DunedinPACE: Current Rate of Ageing
  • Epigenetic Biological Age
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Age
  • Telomere Length Estimator
Report Includes: Biological Age Report, Pace of Ageing Report, Telomere Length Report, Weight Loss Response Report, Alcohol Consumption Report, Smoke Exposure Risk Report, Research-Backed Ways To Improve Your Ageing, Epigenetic Data
 View Sample Report
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Blood Spot
4-6 weeks

The Dunedin Pace of Aging algorithm (Dunedin PACE) - a biological pace of ageing test that focuses on short-term changes in methylation that translate into long-term impacts to h.ealth

  • Comprehensive analysis of methylation markers to learn about ageing and health.
  • Provides information on physical age (epigenetic age) as opposed to chronological age, including steps on how to reduce overall ageing.
  • Patient report continuously updated to reflect new findings on genes and related health conditions.

  • DunedinPACE: Current Rate of Ageing
  • Epigenetic Biological Age
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Age
  • Telomere Length Estimator
Includes: Pace of Aging Report, Telomere Length Report, Research-Backed Ways To Improve Ageing
 View Sample Report
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Benjamin McAvoy
Benjamin McAvoy
ACONT is a TGA Schedule 1 listed association (Therapeutic Goods Act 1990, Section 42AA, Attachment 2). Benjamin’s Membership Number is 602019

Benjamin Mcavoy

Email : Message Here
Phone : 0422225151
Address : Horseshoe Bend - Central Maitland NSW 2320 Australia
Hours Are Flexible
Mon – Fri : 9.30am – 5.30pm
Sat : 9am – 12pm - Alternate Saturday's